Oppression in America -is There Hope? – Final Blog + Tik tok & Instagram Posts(Topic 2a)

Have our high school history books really told us the extent of oppression in the United States? Our country has attracted millions of people from around the world looking for a better life for themselves, only to feel socially isolated from the rest of the population. Even though major historical events such as the civil… Continue reading Oppression in America -is There Hope? – Final Blog + Tik tok & Instagram Posts(Topic 2a)

I hate being perceived

To start off this hectic week, here is a tweet I saw the other day when I was scrolling on twitter.  Although we’re on Sartre now just thought I’d share this because there’s a lot of unpack here. OR if they pronounced Camus with a french accent, RUN!!! So, being perceived.  I think there’s really… Continue reading I hate being perceived

Gaslighting and Punishment

First, here is a song I’ve been listening to that fits the theme of Nietzsche’s discussion of bad conscience and guilt. When I ask my friends what it means to feel guilty, many characterize it as the feeling of doing something wrong, or hurting someone’s feelings. For example, if I were to gaslight my friend… Continue reading Gaslighting and Punishment

My Roommate’s Plot for Revenge on the CMC Man who Cheated on her Twice: Under Nietzsche’s Lens

So my roommate got cheated on by a CMC Econ Bro – twice. So to explain Nietzsche’s characterization of revenge, I decided to ask her how she would get revenge on the CMC man who cheated on her, not once, but TWICE. “So if there was no way you would get caught and the law… Continue reading My Roommate’s Plot for Revenge on the CMC Man who Cheated on her Twice: Under Nietzsche’s Lens

Brushing Your Teeth and Camus’ Philosophy Have Something in Common

You know when you’re brushing your teeth before you go to bed and take a minute to look at yourself in the bathroom mirror and during this time you somewhat disassociate? It’s not exactly a life changing experience but just a quick glance where you think to yourself, “Oh, that’s really me living this life… Continue reading Brushing Your Teeth and Camus’ Philosophy Have Something in Common

Don’t Lose Yourself

Don’t lose yourself. Whether it’s in your personal relationships that matter to you or whatever career you’re passionate about, investing quality time into meaningful things is unwise. Falling in love? Pointless. Having hope things will eventually work out? Also pointless. According to Camus, you can engage in relationships and be passionate for them, but you… Continue reading Don’t Lose Yourself
